Friday, November 17, 2006

i got your civil liberties right here...

(via americablog, and the rude pundit, and boingboing, and many others)




did you watch the whole thing? it's almost seven minutes. and the guy gets tasered like six times.

apparently, it starts because he refuses to show id to the cops. as he's leaving, they stop him. read some more of the background at boingboing (cory doctorow is a prof at ucla). i'm outraged and disgusted and saddened and everything else. i can't even imagine what the proper response is.

did you catch the guy at the end being threatened with a tasering of his own if he doesn't walk away? yeah. that's my favorite part.

fucking cops. and campus cops are worse. almost as bad as the guards at county.

what is to be done? what can we do to make this an impossibility in the future? do we all bum rush ucla pd and taser the cops? do we write polite letters to the editor of the la times? rise up, here in our own little enclave of tolerance?

fuck. look at it again. and share it with others.


1 comment:

SeTh said...

That shit makes me want to puke. I had heard that the UCLA campus police are fucking crazy, but jesus!! I think they were getting off on it. Anyone see the other recent video of two cops (LAPD I think?) sitting on someone while they punch him in the face repeatedly. He is heard screaming that he can not breath.
I guess if you hit your head against things for four years playing football in highschool, this is the only job you can get.
.....Pig Mother Fuckers........