lyric 1 – get in on the ground floor
canadian hip hop. yeah, that's right. canadian. and you thought they were all so polite and nice. get over it. they're americans that can deal with the cold better than us. and with health care.
UPDATE (from Arjuna): ...groan... this sucks. there was one track i heard on cbc3 that was pretty good -- good enough for me to find and buy on emusic -- and now that i have the whole album i'm very disappointed. you know those guys that stand on haight street saying things like "support local hip-hop" and are selling home-burned cd's of their rhymes? they would kick this guy's ass for sullying the name of the genre. he sucks. he sounds like someone actually making fun of underground and unsigned hip-hop, except he's serious.
for good canadian hip hop, check out k'naan's "dusty foot philosopher" and cadence weapon's "breaking kayfab."
voxtrot – your biggest fan
voxtrot – raised by wolves
i think that these two are julia's fault. i have no clue what they sound like. please, oh hip and stylish scenesters with whom i am blessed to debauch, should i like or revile this group?
the awkward stage – heaven is for easy girls
canadians, again. blame cbc3.
songs: ohia – protection spells
songs: ohia/magnolia electric company is always a delight. i just wish they'd clear up the whole naming thing.
scarub – one for the road, volume one
i went looking for more m.i.a. or similar and this guy came up as an artist frequently downloaded by fans of m.i.a... anyone ever heard of him? know where he's from? anything?
tom waits – orphans: brawlers, bawlers & bastards
i really hope i don't need to explain myself on this one. i only wish i'd had more downloads so i could've picked up the bastards group along with the brawlers and bawlers. if any of you have the bastards, let me know...
long live emusic!
1 comment:
i'll get bastards tonight, arjuna. with tom waits, it is near impossible to go wrong. i spent a good amount of time eyeing this album the other day and didn't snag it as i was lacking the downloads to get all three. sweeeeet.
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